Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Textbooks and Software

As I mentioned in class today, we'll be using several texts and a few keys pieces of software throughout the course. Here are some pointers on where to obtain these items.

  • Edgar, T. F., D. M. Himmelblau, and L. S. Lasdon. Optimization of Chemical Processes, 2nd Edition. McGraw-Hill, New York, 2001. This is available in paperback at Amazon or You'll find various editions, the one we are using is the most recent Second Edition.
  • Gueret, C., C. Prins, M. Sevaux (translated and revised by S. Heipcke). Applications of Optimization with Xpress-MP Published by Dash Optimization (, 2002. This is available on-line for free download as a pdf file, or for purchase at Amazon.
Software: A reasonably up to date Windows XP laptop is sufficient to run all of the software that will be used in this course.
  • Matlab & Simulink Student Version, Release 14 with Service Pack 3. It is normally in-stock at the University bookstore or available for order from the Mathworks or AcademicSuperstore for $99. This release of the student version is much improved from earlier releases, having removed constraints on the size of the matrix calculations, and allowing operation without the CD in the drive. The student version includes symbolic calculation based on Maple, Simulink, and excellent printed guides to Matlab.
  • Xpress-IVE and the Mosel Modeling Language, Student Edition is available on-line at no cost for student use from Dash Optimization ( You will need to register to receive information needed to install and run the software. Note that this software is available only for a Windows platform.

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